stored procedure 1 « Stored Procedure « JPA Q&A

1. using stored procedure in hibernate 3

Hello I am using hibernate + spring since 5 months but never used stored procedure in hibernate so please can anybody tell me how to call stored procedure from DB(MySQL)....

2. call Stored Procedure in hibernate

How can we call stored procedure in hibernate?

3. hibernate and stored procedure

I'm a beginner in hibernate and till this date I have not come across stored procedure. Can somebody tell me how to execute the following in hibernate, this stored procedure returns three fields ...

4. Fun and Games with a mixture of JPA and stored procedures

Would you believe that the order in which a couple of EJBs is used within a MessageDriven bean can be crucial? Well, neither did I until today ... The MDB declares multiple EJBs .. several are simple Facades to Entity classes which contain named procedures - all created automatically by Netbeans wizards, nothing fancy, they share a common Persistence Unit. One ...

5. Stored Procedure with Hibernate

Does Hibernate provide support for stored procedure? kind of callable statement? I need this to have a query performed over a set of variables and return the result. I dont want to query for each variable. I cannot have a one-many mapping because this is a huge table and i want only few rows n columns of it. so, cannot have ...

6. Hibernate 3.0 - Stored Procedures

Gentlemen; I have reviewed your Hibernate 3.0 alpha and am glad you are adding support for stored procedures. However, in our Oracle environment, legacy stored procedures are used for a wide variety of activities other than the CUD that you seem to support. Will you be supporting procedure calls that return result sets, that may, or may not map to a ...

7. hibernate and stored procedures

I am new to hibernate. Just wondering if hibernate would support executing stored procedures in the database lik Oracle ? I have an application with existing business APIs in the form of stored procedures. We are considering migrating some of the stuff to Java while other remains in the stored procedures. Also, for new features, we are considering hibernate as a ...

8. Hibernate and Stored Procedure

9. Hibernate and Stored Procedure

I'm learning Oracle PLSQL in order to write stored procedure to be called by JDBC. I know nothing about Hibernate and want to know if I use Hibernate in future project, will my stored procedure knowledge still useful? I know about entity bean. Here we dont even need to write SQL (if cmp used) not to mention stored procedure. I am ...

11. implementing stored procedures in hibernate

Yes you can. There are a couple of caveats to take in mind. 1. Only the first parameter of a stored procedure can be an OUT parameter. 2. You cannot have more than one OUT parameter and it must be the first parameter. 3. There are two ways to map your Java objects to the Stored Procedure results. One is where ...

12. hibernate stored procedures

13. how we can call stored procedure in hibernate?

Well, I am going to forward you off to the website where in the FAQ they have really good stuff for stored procedures. There are two caveats to stored procedures. 1. You can only have one out parameter, 2. and it must be the first parameter, the out cannot be the second, third or more paramater. As stored procedures you ...

14. About Hibernate Support for StoredProcedure

Hi, We are using Hibernate in our Project. For calling Stored Procedure We are doing in the normal way like executing the Callable Statement. I found that Hibernate 3 will support the Stored Procedures too. Now, My question is which is the better option whether calling the stored procedures through Hibernate or Callable Statement?

15. Hibernate and stored procedure

I'd say no. Hibernate can support Stored Procedures but Stored Procedures are implicitly database dependent (since thats where they live) so putting an ORM in front of them doesn't make a great deal of sense. That is unless your evental goal is to make your application portable and slowly phase out the SPs? Hibernate wont be a great disadvantage in this ...

16. How Hibernate invokes Stored Procedures

Hi Guys, I have a Sql Server Stored Procedure that I need Hibernate to invoke. However, I have NO CLUE how hibernate invokes a stored procedures. I feel helpless because there are not a lot of step-by-step examples on this. I'm using Spring + Hibernate. I cannot create a HQL for this query, because Hibernate does not recognize SQL Server's "FREETEXT" ...

17. Calling stored procedure from hibernate

I am trying to call a stored procedure from hibernate but I keep getting errors. Here's what I am doing.. My table table emp ( ssn varchar(9), firstname varchar(10) ) my Employee class is public class Employee { public String ssn ; public String firstname ; ...getter and setter methods. } My test procedure in SQL SERVER is create procedure test_proc_hibernate ...

18. implementing stored procedure in hibernate

Most of the examples posted in this forum and on the hibernate website cover cases where the procedure returns a ref cursor. 1. Could someone point me to examples of using hibernate where the procedure simply return an out parameter which is not a ref cursor but some other types (E.g NUMBER, VARCHAR) ? 2. I believe Hibernate has restrictions on ...

19. calling stored procedures hibernate

21. Calling Stored Procedure thru JPA

Got it now, I had a little mistake. Here is my code: ANNOTATIONS: @NamedStoredProcedureQuery( name="GETBALANCE_PROCEDURE", procedureName="getBalanceProc", returnsResultSet=false, parameters={ @StoredProcedureParameter(queryParameter="param1",name="p1",direction=Direction.IN,type=Integer.class), @StoredProcedureParameter(queryParameter="param2",name="p2",direction=Direction.IN,type=Timestamp.class), @StoredProcedureParameter(queryParameter="param3",name="p3",direction=Direction.IN,type=String.class), @StoredProcedureParameter(queryParameter="param4",name="p4",direction=Direction.OUT,type=Integer.class) } ) CODE CALLING IT: public int executeGetBalanceProcedure(int tranType, Timestamp dateTran, String oa){ EntityManager em = getEntityManager(); int theBalance = 0; try { EntityTransaction etx = em.getTransaction(); etx.begin(); Query q = em.createNamedQuery("GETBALANCE_PROCEDURE"); q.setParameter("param1", tranType); q.setParameter("param2", dateTran); q.setParameter("param3", oa); for ...

22. Stored procedure and JPA

23. Calling stored Procedure using hibernate

I have a procedure written in oracle PROCEDURE Sp_Dummy IS v_id NUMBER(3); v_desc VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN SELECT id,name INTO v_id,v_desc FROM DUMMY; dbms_output.put_line('the value of id' || v_id); END; My corresponding hbm.xml file is like this

24. Calling Stored procedure from Hibernate

Oracle Procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE INSERT_ROW_PROC AS BEGIN insert into slc_message(message_id, subject, message) values(41,'insert row','insert row'); END INSERT_ROW_PROC; Hibernate mapping: { call INSERT_ROW_PROC() } Calling Code: Query q = session.getNamedQuery("insert_SP"); q.list(); I am getting ERROR ...

26. does Hibernate supports Stored Procedures?

The CallableStatement interface used to execute SQL stored procedures. The JDBC API provides a stored procedure SQL escape syntax that allows stored procedures to be called in a standard way for all RDBMSs. This escape syntax has one form that includes a result parameter and one that does not. If used, the result parameter must be registered as an OUT parameter. ...

27. JPA + Stored Procedure

Just a little update on this thread: The connection method is deprecated in 3.2.4, which makes using this suggested code dangerous. I posted a question or two on the JBoss Hibernate Forum , and handsome gentleman suggested simply mapping the procedure as a named query. Perhaps this is the better alternative: It goes something like this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION selectAllEmployments ...

28. Clarification regarding stored procedure Hibernate

Hi All, I have two classes and in the project I use. I have mappings for these classes. I have a table (table C) containing only a single column (used to make the drop down in the jsp page). This is not associated with any class A or B. I want to call a stored procedure to get these ...

31. Calling Stored Procedures with Hibernate

Hi, I've been stuck on this for a few days. I've tried my best searching for a solution, but couldn't find it I have a SP that returns just one column. I've got it to work if it returns all columns of the record. But I can't seem to figure out how to do so for just one column. What works ...

33. Hibernate / Stored Procedure / Reporting

I need to call some stored procedure for reporting. The Store Proc. DO NOT return an entity, so I cannot configure them as name queries in a configuration files. The only way I know is to: con = getHbnSession().connection(); cs = con.prepareCall("{call someStoreProc(?)}"); cs.setInt(1, 1); rs = cs.executeQuery(); The session.connection() method is deprecated, and I couldn't find any other way of ...

35. stored procedures in hibernate

37. Proble in Implement Stored Procedure in hibernate

hi, I am new in hibernate I am creating web base application in which I am creating report using Stored Procedure but whenever I am trying exceute Stored procedure using hibernate I am facing following error "Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute "callable" must be declared for element type "sql-query"." my hbm.xml file as follows Code:

38. Naming strategy for stored procedures

In my environment we are using different schema names for dev/testing/production environments. To avoid hard-coding of the schema names, I am extending improved naming strategy so that I can replace the schema name at run times. But, I am at loss when it comes to stored procedures. Is there anyway I can substitute the schema name in stored procedure?

39. Issue in calling stored procedure with JPA

I am using spring 2.5.5 and JPA (with hibernate) in my application. I am using 3.3.2 version of hibernate-entitymanager, which has dependency on hibernate 3.2.6. I want to call a stored procedure and return an output value from a stored procedure. There is a method called session.connection() in Session class which can be used to invoke stored procedure. However that method ...

40. stored procedure call in hibernate

41. Calling Stored Procedure

Hi, I need to call many Stored Procedures in the application (mostly get data procedures). The application uses Spring, Hibernate (with annotations), JSF and Oracle. Could someone let me know the best way to access stored procedures. 1. Using Spring w/o using Hibernate (even though application has it) 2. Using Spring and Hibernate (using Hibernate to access stored procedures) I would ...

42. hibernate and stored procedures

as my understanding on setting hibernate, it need to create * table meta data file (person.hbm.xml), include all the fields mapping * java object ( If we use stored procedures for all transaction, do we still need the above configuration? it seems hibernate and stored procedures will overlap, we set up the stored procedure because we don't want the to developer ...

43. Issue calling stored procedure

Hi, I'm having problems calling third party Sybase (12.5) stored procedures from my web application. I'm using Hibernate within the SEAM environment (JPA rather than direct to hibernate)... [Version] Hibernate Annotations 3.3.0.GA [Environment] Hibernate 3.2.4.sp1 [Version] Hibernate EntityManager 3.3.1.GA JConnect version: JConnect 6 My stored proc call: entityManager.createNativeQuery( "exec ExtInsertAdhocCharge :accountId, :date, :amount, :reference, :adviserId, :ttypId") .setParameter("accountId", adhocFeeTransaction.getAccountId()) .setParameter("date", adhocFeeTransaction.getEffectiveOn()) .setParameter("amount", ...

44. ArrayStoreException getResultList() on stored procedure call

I realize this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find an answer and I've been looking all day. I have the following unit test which always seems to throw an ArrayStoreException when calling the getResultList() method on my query. Code: @Entity @RooEntity @NamedNativeQuery(name="Mileage.calculateMileage", query = "{ call logobj.milookup(?,?,?) }", ...

45. Referential Integrity with Stored Procedures

I have 2 views mapped in hibernate to classes, view A has a foreign key reference to view B To manage the underlying tables I have stored procedures defined for sql-insert, sql-update, and sql-delete on both class definitions for the views. When I try to delete a row in view B, hibernate automatically is generating: update A set f_key_B=null where f_key_b={id ...

47. Use stored procedures in a new project?

Hi! Does it make sense to use stored procedures in a new project, that uses hibernate, Spring and PostgreSQL? Do stored procedures add something valuable or is in most cases basic Hibernate enough? It seems like going behind Hibernates back. Are the any good practices or patterns? As said, the project is from scratch, so there are no preexisting stored procedures ...

48. Redesign Stored procedure with Hibernate

we planned to rewrite our System in Java, Which was previously running in Stored procedure. More than 5 Applications calls the procedure which inserts and updates some set of records after the post transaction which has been done in the background. Now we planned to take the procedure out and do a application in java with Hibernate. Will this can be ...

49. Issue with Hiberante[JPA] + Stored Procedure call

EntityManagerFactory mEmf =Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("Persistence_Name"); EntityManager manager = mEmf.createEntityManager(); EntityTransaction entityTransaction = manager.getTransaction(); ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Query query = manager.createNativeQuery("{call SP_NAME(?)}"); query.setParameter(1,parameter1); List ls = query.getResultList(); ----------------------------------------

50. Call a stored procedure

51. Calling Stored Procedure from Hibernate?

Hi All, I am newbie in Hibernate. I want execute to Stored Procedure through hibernate without using .hbm file and without using JDBC approach. Actual problem comes when Stored Procedure is returning something(OUT Parameter). In JDBC there is API to register the OUT parameter. I am not able to find out any API in Hibernate to register the OUT parameter. Do ...

52. Hibernate call stored procedure

I'm trying to call a stored procedure from mysql db. I'm getting the SEVERE: Can't set IN parameter for return value of stored function call. Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.handledNonSpecificException( in my configuration i have the follow: Code: ...

53. Regarding stored procedure call

54. Support for Stored Procedures

55. a call of stored procedure

56. Persistance via Stored Procedures

Hi, I work for an insurance company that has a rich data model in Oracle. This data model is complex and such a basic operation as creating a new client requires lots of insertions, updates and calls to stored procedures wich implements bussiness logic. All this complexity is abstracted by using a single stored procedure wich creates the new client in ...

57. Does Hibernate support stored procedures?

You can use Stored Procedures with Hibernate and here's how you do it: Pseudo code: Code: List foos = new ArrayList(); String query = "begin ? :=getFoos(?,?,?); end;"; CallableStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; ...

58. Stored Procedure

59. Support of Stored Procedures in 2.1.3

61. Why not Stored Procedures????

62. How can I get the information on stored procedure?

Hi all, I have a question about using the hibernate object and stored procedure working together. I have an object save, then read the information from the stored procedure. I found that the "" is not really saved into the database until the "Transaction.commit();" How can I solve this? Why I need to do this because, if the stored procedure ...

63. Using Hibernate within a java stored procedure

Has anyone out there used Hibernate within a Java Stored Procedure? ans was wondering if they could share any thoughts / comments they had on it. It should work, but it may need some modifications (not sure) because the means of getting a connection is different from within the oracle JVM. thanks in advance, Jason

64. Calling a stored procedure for a given property

I know that there is no support for stored procedures yet in 2.1, but I have a object that maps fine to my database except for one column that I need to retrieve using a stored procedure. The data for that column comes from another table, but the logic is too complicated for any join. What we do now, using regular ...

65. Stored Procedure Persister

I'm a little bit irritated about the different answers: One says, there was a class file StoredProcedurePersister available -maybe I'm too stupid to find them, the next answer says "Wait for pre-alpha"... The only thing I'd like to know is if there is a StoredProcedurePersister class -in an arbitrary development state- avialable or not. It's not for production use or to ...

66. Hibernate and Stored procedure

67. Hibernate and Stored procedure

68. Hibernate and Stored Procedures

Hello Everyone, This forum has been great and very informative regarding Hibernate. Our team has been assigned the task of migrating the current system which extensively uses Oracle Stored procedures (~400+) and few Proc*C code. It's a legacy system designed 10+ years ago and has myraid of features. We have to redesign this system on J2EE (JBoss app server). We are ...

69. Stored procedure support in Hibernate3

Does hibernate 3 supports "read" in Stored procedure. I know that hibernate has provided support for Stored procedures in 3.0, but is it only for and . but what about 'Read' how can I use a stored procedure to read from the DB2 database ? any help is appretiated ...

70. Help required on Using Stored Procedures in hibernate3

Where can I find some documentation/tutorial on Using Stored Procedures in Hibernate3? From last few days I am looking for some tutorial / example on StoredProcedure using tags and . But I am not getting much on this topic. In Users guide of Hibernate3 there is a topic on Custom SQL for CUD, but thats not enough ...

71. Stored Procedures

72. running inside a stored procedure

I'm rewriting a codebase to use Spring and Hibernate 3. But there's a certain module of code that does a huge amount of database access, and I'm a little wary of migrating that module. That's because it's possible that code will be run in production as an Oracle stored procedure. (Oracle version is 9i. JDK is 1.4.1.) I know Oracle stored ...

73. running inside a stored procedure

I'm rewriting a codebase to use Spring and Hibernate 3. But there's a certain module of code that does a huge amount of database access, and I'm a little wary of migrating that module. That's because it's possible that code will be run in production as an Oracle stored procedure. (Oracle version is 9i. JDK is 1.4.1.) I know Oracle stored ...

74. Stored Procedures

75. Stored Procedure Support

Are stored procedure calls supported in 2.1.8 or is this a feature in 3.0? I tried to include {call usp_Set_Status (?, ?, ?, ?)} in my mapping xml file associated to a Class but I could not figure out how to do the call from Java. Query storedProc = session.getNamedQuery("callStoredProcedure"); storedProc.setLong(1, batchID); storedProc.setString(2, "N"); storedProc.setString(3, "Us100"); storedProc.setString(4, "memo"); storedProc.list(); ...

76. Calling Stored Procedures using Hibernate Java

We are using Hibernate version 2.1.6 for our project. The project consists of EJB, Hibernate, Jboss application server and Postgresql database. So far we did not use stored procedure in our application. Now that we decided to use stored procedures and we found Hibernate 3.0 supports stored procedures. We are aware of all the changes those are to be carried out ...

77. Using stored procedures

Hi all, I am currently looking into using Hibernate with JBoss (dev platform) and WebLogic (production platform) with an Oracle database. We have a lot of really complex queries that are burried in stored procedures. The return type of most of these stored procedures is a CURSOR so we can use these stored procedures as named queries. The JDBC layer ...

78. Stored procedures

79. how delete using stored procedure?

80. Hello World of Stored Procedures with Hibernate

My Debug Window [java] INFO - Checking 0 named queries [java] DEBUG - opened session [java] DEBUG - opening JDBC connection [java] DEBUG - total checked-out connections: 0 [java] DEBUG - using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0 [java] org.hibernate.QueryException: Expected positional parameter count: 1, actual parameters: [] [ [java] [java] [java] { ? = call simpleScalar(:number) } [java] ] I ...

81. Custom persister for stored procedures

Hi every body!!! I'm currently using Hibernate 3 support for stored procedures for CUD operations, but I need to use stored procedures for READ operations too, specially for load operations where Hibernate produces the SQL statement and our client constraint us to use stored procedures. Do i need to implement my custom loader? Or just extend EntityPersister? Does somebody have an ...

82. custom loader and stored procedures

Hello, i'm trying to implement a custom loaderunder hibernate 3 for a LAnguageList objet which i can only access using stored procedures. here is my mapping for this object associated query-ref is defined like this:

83. Hibernate with Stored Procedure

Need help with Stored Procedures with Hibernate. have a insert stored procedure that I would like to call from hibernate. I am getting all sorts of problems but am not able to get it to work. the details of the my implementation is given below. Can someone pl guide me with this issue. [b]Hibernate version: 3.0.5 [b]Mapping documents: STORED PROCEDURE:: Stored ...

84. Architectural opinions on Hibernate with Stored Procedures

I decided to ask the experts, what they think of a company, the one I work for, no names, has decided to no longer have Criteria, HQL or SQL in any of our code, and that all our queries, inserts, updates, deletes will be done in stored procedures. We will still be using Hibernate to call these stored procedures. I can ...

85. Calling Stored Procedure

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: [2006-01-01 20:15:29] DEBUG - 6390 - org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - could not execute query [ {? = call Sp_Picc_Batch_Process(?,?) } ] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.oci8.OCIDBAccess.check_error( at oracle.jdbc.oci8.OCIDBAccess.executeFetch( at oracle.jdbc.oci8.OCIDBAccess.parseExecuteFetch( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery( at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getResultSet( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.getResultSet( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at ...

86. Stored procedure documentation glitch

I thought that I'd raise this as it may save somebody else the time that I wasted looking for an answer elsewhere. I had my first requirement to access stored procedures, via Hibernate, yesterday and based my evaluation code upon the online documentaion example (to be found at Code: ...

87. Unable to call stored procedure

Simple question: I am using MySQL 5.0.18 and want to call a stored procedure. The stored procedure does all the work and does not return anything back. I have added the following to my hbm.xml: {? = proc_calculate_commission() } Now how do I call it? I thought the following would work, but it did not: Session session = ...

88. advice on stored procedures

If we use stored procedures to insert objects into the DB, how do we return the columns that the DB has automatically inserted? For example, the PK, modification timestamps and other computed fields. Can I return these as out parameters of the stored procedure? Also, not clear to me from the hib3 documentation, can the queries using stored procedures take parameters? ...

89. stored procedures revisited

90. stored procedure

hi all, I have a big problem and get no further more. i had read the docs, but it doesn't work for me ;-( could anyone give me an example how creates function with an return? or is there an code example with this? I had tried with Postgresql, Mysql and DB2, but anyhow it does not work. I have a ...

91. stored procedures

I am investigating the viability of using NHibernate. You can use NHibernate stored procedures with NHibernate by creating a mapping for the stored procedure and then calling through HQL. If HQL is not flexible enough to do something then you don't use HQL and switch over to normal conventional methods? I think using hibernate to create a transparency between the domain ...

92. Urgent: Help needed stored procedures

Hibernate version: 3.1 I've asked several times but have not received any satisfactory answers. I need to decide if I should use hibernate at all. Ideally it fits my future requirements, but for now I have a large number of stored procedures from which to map. I like the object identity concept of hibernate, have looked into Ibatis, which does not ...

93. How to call stored procedure

Hello Friend: To answer your question: I guess we use Store Procedure when our future business plan will not want to modify the software application (possible at the datas presentation), we use Store Procedure. In my enterprise, i found this problem. I used many HQL to query to Data Base with the mind "thats all fantastic, i can optimize all", but ...

94. Stored Procedure Call

section 17.3.2 of Hibernate 3 documentation: Hibernate 3 introduces support for queries via stored procedures. The stored procedures must return a resultset as the first out-parameter to be able to work with Hibernate. That said, you could use a SP to update data in the database and then return a cursor that contains the number of updated rows. Curtis ...

95. Help with Stored Procedures

Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:30 pm Posts: 7 Hi I'm evaluating Hibernate and have a very simple Hibernate app consisting of a bean with 3 fields, a Sybase table with 3 fields, a utility class which creates a session factory and a main class which decides whether to list or insert data depending on the parameters passed to it. ...

96. Calling stored Procedure inHibernate

Hi I am new to Hibernate. While calling stored Procedure I am encountering the following problem. Can anyone help me out. I am encountering the following exception java.lang.ArrayStoreException at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method) at java.util.ArrayList.toArray( at org.hibernate.util.ArrayHelper.toTypeArray( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractQueryImpl.typeArray( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractQueryImpl.getQueryParameters( at org.hibernate.impl.SQLQueryImpl.getQueryParameters( at org.hibernate.impl.SQLQueryImpl.list( at TestClient.main( The part of code in which i am invoking my stored Procedure is as follows: Query ...

97. Stored procedure

I have a named query that runs a stored procedure... {call BUP_APP_GetDefaultQuicklinks(:a, :b, :c)} The procedure returns a resultset my question is can i map this to an object in hibernate that does not have a database table. the data from the stored proc is from different sources, so im not clear on ...

98. Stored Procedures access in hibernate

Hi, I have accessed stored procdures using session.connection().prepareCall().My stored procedures are little complicated so i have decided to access using prepareCall().Is there going to be any impact on my application for not using with callable="true".My application is running fine but i want to know what is the best way to access stored procedure and is there going to be any ...

99. Hibernate Stored Procedure

Hi, Iam new to Hibernate. Currently, I am in the process of working on how to access stored procedures in Hibernate application. In Hibernate Reference documentation(3.0.5) I saw an example explaining stored procedures using SYS_REFCURSOR and in that they have given configuration in mapping file and stored function(selectAllEmployments). How can i access this resultset in the hibernate application using java? Also, ...

100. Stored Procedures

Hello, I'm kind of new with hibernate and I'd like to use existing stored procedure from my database. Looking in the kind of short hibernate documentation on the subject, it appears that it is necessary to specify the returned fields from the stored proc in a mapping file. 1. My first question is : Is it possible to specify several types ...